"Makerthon 2022"

On 22.02.2022, the "Makerthon 2022" competition, held for the 2nd time, was organized among the schools where the STEAM project is applied.

The competition included robotics, engineering and programming modules.


70 students from grades 7-11 of schools where the STEAM project is applied from Baku and various regions participated in the competition.

Winners of the Makerthon 2022 competition:

Winners among students of grades 7-8:

1st place: Fatima Rahimli (High School of Foreign Orientation named after S. Bahlulzadeh);

2nd place: Shaiq Shikar (Baku European High School);

3rd place: Uveys Alsalehi (Baku European High School).


Winners among students of grades 9-11:

1st place: Emil Hajiyev (Mingachevir high school with nature-mathematics and humanities orientation);

2nd place: Nihad Gambarov (school-lyceum number 20);

3rd place: Elnur Mammadov (Technical-Humanitarian high school named after R. Muradov, Mingachevir city).
